Little Tree Practice is a Child, Adolescent, Young Adult and Family Psychiatry practice that provides assessment and ongoing outpatient care. Initial individual and family assessment for children and teenagers takes place during an appointment of between 1-2 hours. Children and teenagers attend with parents or carers (two adults who live with the young person if possible, to allow for supervision of children when adults are interviewed separately).
Young adults will generally be seen alone for a one-hour assessment but can attend with parents or carers for a longer assessment if preferred.
Please bring along to your appointment any recent school reports or reports from occupational therapists, speech therapists, psychologists or other specialists. Your referral from your general practitioner (GP) is essential for the assessment and we are able to receive these by email at prior to booking your appointment.
When your assessment is completed (this may require an additional appointment at a later date if necessary), you will be able to discuss options for follow-up with your doctor. These may include ongoing therapy at Little Tree, or a plan for the involvement of other clinicians and allied health practitioners such as a psychologist, or both.